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There's quite a bit of material here. Many hidden goodies are reachable via links from the long-form discography and, in some cases, from the magazine articles. Be adventurous.
Summary Discography Compact but exhaustive, with links to the long-form annotated discography
Dates Performance dates, past and future
Titles Song titles, released and unreleased
Covers Songs covered by Hüsker Dü and Hüsker songs covered by others
Poster Gallery Gig posters, flyers, handbills (with a few print ads mixed in)
Images Publicity shots, personal photos, published photos, tour photoessays
Hüskerwear A list of tee shirts, with links to images when available
Ephemera Odds & ends, curiosities, uncategorizable stuff
Hüsker Dü trivia The contest is over, the prizes gone, but feel free to test your knowledge
Magazine articles Lots of old articles, with newer pieces being added as I find time
Bibliography Books in which Hüsker Dü is discussed
Hüsker Dü links A bunch of other Hüsker sites around the Web
Resources Online resources for the Hüsker collector
Sugar FAQ Last updated in 1995, so much of it is obsolete, but there's still useful info here.
Acknowledgments So much owed to so many
What's new here? List of site revisions and updates

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