Malcolm, Susan & Joshie Travis, July 2000

Here's a little slice of family life at the Travis homestead in Nashville. The cast of characters includes Malcolm, Susan, Joshie, impending new baby, and visitors Paul Hilcoff and Kieron Perry, who spent a very pleasant interlude here over the Fourth of July weekend during the course of an otherwise frantically-paced automobile tour of the Southeastern US. Most of the pictures are of Joshie, who at two years and three months is appallingly photogenic and well aware of it. Malcolm has taken a shine to Southern-style cooking: note the smoker in the driveway and the in-progress sweet potato pie by the kitchen sink. The photo of Susan and half of Kieron was shot by Joshie, fooling around with the camera while we waited for our food at Sitar, an Indian restaurant downtown.

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