Hüsker Dü Database
Notes on Russian Bud Kon/Budkon label flexidisc series

Bearing the Cyrillic imprint "буд кон," these counterfeit 5.5" x 5.5" multicolor flexidiscs started turning up as far back as 1993, possibly even earlier. They are purportedly of Russian origin, but some people suspect that they are actually manufactured in Poland.  All are mono, 45rpm.  The label name is most commonly rendered in Roman characters as "Budkon," less often "BudKon" or "Bud Kon."  Thousands of titles (one song per disc) have been issued, covering every band imaginable — literally ranging from ABBA to Zappa.

The sound quality of these recordings is flat-out awful.  If you're old enough to remember what the flexis that occasionally came with Mad magazine in the 50s and 60s sounded like, you're on the right track.  These are worse.  Noise overwhelms signal, pitch is warbly, frequency range is minimal, and the disks don't lie flat.  Definitely not recommended for use with a stylus that you value!

As of spring 2004, there are five Hüsker Dü titles known, colors as listed:
5091 One Step At A Time clear, red, green
5118 Never Talking To You Again clear, brown, blue
5967 The Biggest Lie clear, red, blue
6228 Pride clear, red, blue
6337 Standing By The Sea clear, brown, yellow

All of these are single tracks lifted directly from Zen ArcadeComparing the catalog numbers with those of other Budkon discs whose release dates have been fairly well established, it seems likely that the Hüsker flexis came out during 2002-2003.  Typically, a clear flexi might cost around £8 and a pretty colored one around £11. The extravagant prices are obviously calculated to exploit the most hopelessly compulsive segment of the collector market (not to mention hopelessly compulsive discographers).

Language notes

(Warning: Cyrillic characters ahead; if you can't see them in IE, it may help to grab the Pan-European character set. Up-to-date Mozilla browsers should have no problem.)

Neither "Budkon" nor "Bud Kon" means anything in Russian or Polish, but there is apparently a construction company called Budkon in the Polish town of Szczecin. In Polish, budować = build, budowa = building; konstruować = construct, konstrukcja = construction so the construction company name makes sense.

In Russian, the situation is less clear. The буд- root seems to have something vaguely to do with work (будничный = workaday), or futurity (будущий = future).  Конструкция = construction, just as in Polish, but кон- is a pretty common prefix.  I can't conclude much of anything from this.

The phrases below appear on either the discs themselves or their photocopied paper sleeves.  I've ventured guesses at translations:

Запись по трансляции [Zapis' po translyatsiy]= broadcast transcription?
Ассоциация клубов филофонистов [Assotsiyatsiya klubov philophonistov] = association of record-fan clubs
гибкая пластинка [gibkaya plastinka] = flexidisc
моно [mono] = mono

There's additional info and speculation  on this Stranglers page.

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